

“That night, my father said something to me that would stick to my heart… forever. Despite all the seemingly tough times I had faced in the past, this conversation proved to work wonders in my life’s journey. He told me that everyone lives in their own world. Everyone has there own set of worries, choices, family and more – to live. But the young ones (children) are the future and who resemble all that is around them. You light up their world with some of the most (seemingly) insignificant gestures you have to offer.
This conversation would prove to assist my mind to connect with my heart once more. For if I ever lead myself astray from my path, these words of wisdom would keep me afloat. These words would keep me from drowning in my own sorrow. These words would keep me from losing my own created battles in my mind.
The war ends when we realize that we cannot fight against Love. We must surrender our stubborn ways to the everlasting breath of fresh air, the warm and gentle beams of sunlight, the strong solitude of the ground beneath our feet, and the water which flows like the blood in our veins.”

In Your Home

Good morning my fellow friends and family! I hope everyone has been having wonderful days thus far.

Truly I say there has been many interesting things happening recently around us. However, whether good or bad, I believe the better days are still out in front of us all.

I hear many people talk about this pandemic, however, I believe this too shall pass. Before we all know it, things will return back to normal soon enough.

I have read many books and there was one book specifically which significantly changed my life after reading it. It is called, “Wheatgrass; Nature’s Finest Medicine.” In this book it is spoken about how your body is like a house. It must be kept up to bar especially in terms of its health.

The process of doing an incredible transformation from eating unhealthy foods to eating healthier alternatives (or originatives) can be a tricky one. It is a process which must be respected within each individual according to their body’s timing.

For example my Dad is 70+ years old, however he looks like he’s 40-50 years of age and carries himself like he’s in his 30’s! Although his diet isn’t necessarily strict, his body health is up to par because he has grown accustomed to his eating habits.

I myself had recently drifted away from eating healthy foods for some unknown reason, however, when I began diving back into it, I began to notice my surroundings change for the better. My interactions with people are becoming different and opportunities in life seem to open up for me. Not to mention the deeper spiritual aspect behind caring for one’s self.

With all this being said, I highly urge everyone to look back into eating foods which:

  1. Come from Nature
  2. Rich in Nutrients
  3. Try to stay away from animal products
  4. Are unharmful to the environment and to you as well

If you follow these methods you’ll be well on your way to living a healthier and wealthier lifestyle.

Also, speaking of houses, it is my Honor to mention my oldest brother Ivan Ruiz, if you’re looking for a new home, he can help you find your new place.

You may reach my brother for real estate business at:

I hope you all enjoy the journey to having your wonderful home!

Sincerely, Eduardo R.

One Step Closer

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! In today’s segment I would like to talk about the importance of our goals.

As you all know in this life there are so many things which tend to keep us all busy. From work – to school, to even technology!

A midst all of this chaos it may seem that there is hardly any “time” for ourselves and much less for our goals.

This segment however, is for the dreamers. This is for the ones who deep down have a desire to do something great in the world and want to reach those goals. They don’t necessarily have to be huge, but as long as they are something you long for, then by all means, I encourage you all to keep after them.

I spoke with a friend the other day and he told me he was depressed, when he told me this, something clicked inside of me. It’s like a gentle sounding alarm went off that told me, “how can I assist this man in getting out of depression?” My answer was, to do something, to attain a goal, even if it’s a small one.

So go out and reach those goals, don’t stop dreaming and keep on wanting for a better way of living, not just in finances, but in other areas too!

Sincerely, Eduardo R.

Ambitious Continuity

Happy morning my fellow community!

I am writing this segment because I want to express how important Ambition is in my life. I hope many of you agree out there too! Some of us can have brilliant ideas to co-create a new product or some type of invention, however, if we put the action behind it to sustain such an concept then the world will probably never know what we had to offer.

This goes hand in hand with being productive. It is so important to contribute in our society, because it is what assists others in their day as well. Even something as simple as waving to people and asking them to smile back can make a world of difference, it may even ignite their ambition too!

So I encourage you all to go out and grow those ambitious muscles if you are not already doing so!

Sincerely, Eduardo R.

Enjoying a Vacation

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. In today’s segment I would like to speak about a topic which many love to have; VACATION.

Have you ever been in a place working 9-5, and you, at times look forward to reaching the 5pm mark just so you can leave to your sweet home and enjoy the fruits of your labor?

Perhaps you have done something different of which you can relate. Maybe you have abstained from something for so long and then you reach a day where you say, “you know what, today I’m going to do what I’ve been avoiding for a long time.”

Today I encourage many of you to pay yourselves a vacation. Each in your own way respectively. If you want to play a video game, but haven’t played in a long time, then play. If you haven’t eaten chicken, or beef in a long time, then try it.

I’m sure you get the point. Remember, what makes vacations special is the fact that you earn them. So let there be vacation!

Sincerely, Eduardo R.

A Deep Journal

Hi there to all who reads this. I know I have but a few people who follow and check out my website. I do my best to post positive messages because that is the person I ultimately strive to be. However, today I wrote a pretty deep journal regarding my current situation and how I feel. It just goes to show it’s not always rainbows and butterflies even when you do your best to be a person of good intentions.


I find myself asking what more do I have to do to get noticed by the woman of my dreams?  

I have changed in so many ways, yet it feels like she’s farther away. I have people doing their best to derail me on my journey. Mentioning other women. And yet even in my dreams I’m being pulled away from them too. It feels like I am a part of a sick joke which the deadline of is unknown.  

Is this all a part of some punishment or some type of karmaic justice I must pay? Was I really such a devil that I am placed in such a spot where all of these pandemics are going on. Facing rejection in more ways than one. It’s like asking for something, but the things I am receiving is way less than what I ask for.  

Being grateful doesn’t seem to help much either.  

I mean, I went from deciphering music, writing movies, writing poetries, stop taking vicious pills which insisted on giving me nightmares too. What did I do to deserve such a terrible fate? 

That’s not even the half of it. My family seems to hate me too. It’s been years since we’ve had a major family reunion. And yet there hardly seems to be enough love between my family and I and among each other. It is something I truly cannot comprehend. 

What makes it worse is that I would do everything I could to assist them in their life’s journey, yet there is no reciprocal in this area. Not even in the next. How am I still breathing after all this mess? 

Shout out to the Mothers and Fathers

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. In today’s segment I will be writing to give thanks to all the fathers and mothers out there.

I myself am truly grateful and could not have asked for better parents. They have given me so much and at times it’s hard to receive simply because I strive to be independent.

However, to those of you sons and daughters who may be carrying a chip on their shoulder I urge you to do your best to let the past hurt go and hug your mom and dad, after all, they not only brought you into this world, but looked after your growth too! 😀

Sincerely Eduardo R.

The Theory of, “How Are You Doing?”

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! 😀

In today’s segment I would like to break down a few barriers in which common people may be mal-conditioned to speak.

Usually when people meet, there’s a habitual question that’s asked, “How are you doing?”

I believe there is a small problem with, not the question, but the response. The problem lies in the fact that many people are not being honest when they answer this question.

Usually the common person responds, “I’m doing good, how are you doing?”

However, there may be a few who can declare they are doing “Good” yet inside, they may be fighting a battle.

This message is to encourage the people who have been conditioned into responding a simple answer, and instead to be honest. The reason for this is so that our interactions with one another can be sincere.

I hope this message assists you in establishing a lasting change, not just in your life, but in the lives of others too!

Have a Wonderful day.

Sincerely, Eduardo R.

First Time in a Long Time

Good evening my fellow friends, family and people who I have yet to meet.

Today has been by far a great day. I found myself overcoming some of my difficult battles. I also helped a few fight their battles along the way too! 😀

I must say it feels really amazing!

In the past I was struggling with a few mental health issues, however, now things have gotten so great that I am learning to trust my family, and friends more than I used to.

This blog is mainly for those who seem to struggle and search for a type of outlet of which encourages them to look for a better way. A way to get out of a state of mind they do not want to dwell in.

It is much like coming home from a long day of work and receiving rest.

All I can say is thank you. I hope those of you reading this can gain a glimpse of what I mean when I say that God is not only good, people are good too! We must continue to seek out the goodness inside of people, and fan that flame sort of speak. Especially when they seem to be on the brink of this type of exposure.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend… and please try not to scare too much folks! 😀

A Purpose of Us

Good evening friends and family! Today as I cleaned up the house, I came across an interesting concept. Many of you may be wondering, some times, “What is the purpose of my life?” Although there may be many answers to this question, I do believe that one of the purposes of our lives has to do with the Planet on which we live on.

You see, whether you know it or not, the Planet is a living organism. Consider this for a moment, in order to grow life, there must be life or an essence of it in order for there to be some form of growth. That being said, one of the purposes that we should consider adding to our life’s list is… To leave this Planet in a better shape that how we found it.

Let’s take this story for example; let’s say you are looking for a place, and you don’t have a home. A kind and compassionate stranger offers you a place to stay for as long as you need to – in order for you to get your life on track. The house of which is being gracefully opened to you, would you take it under consideration to care for it? Would you clean it? Would you care about its condition? What would you do?

In a similar sense this Planet is our home, not just to the humans, but to other living creatures like bugs, animals, etc. One of the examples is the Bees, they perform their duties to pollinate plants to help us grow nutritious food and even more! So, what can we humans do to help improve the Planet from its current condition? Remember, it’s not just for our benefit, we must keep in mind of those who are yet to come – those who come after us. We must do our part where we currently are in order to leave the world a better place for the future youth.

This is something to consider nowadays with so much junk you may come across in the media. If it is within your capacity to better a situation, then by all means – go for it. However, if it isn’t your area of expertise, then you must trust that someone who does have the capacity and know how will take care of it.

I hope everyone continues to make the right decision each day and live life to their full potential!

Sincerely, Eduardo R.

Making Amends.

Oh, What A Wonderful God We Serve.

Good Dawning to you all, my fellow friends and distant family! I wished that this blog were a different one. However, I am ashamed to say that I have made a mistake in my journey.

Nonetheless, the purpose of this blog is to give a fair but crucial warning. There are times that some of you may believe that when one commits a fowl act – a sin – or something along these lines – that a person goes unpunished. However, I am now living proof that this isn’t true. At All.

Please understand, that there are small but simple warnings which aim to help us get back on the right course – the course God ultimately wants us to be in, and we must not let our stubbornness get the best of us. In other words, we must keep the door firmly shut on all those things which attempt to hinder us on our path.

For some the enemy may lie outside of us. For others, it may lie within, meaning we can be our own weakness in a sense. However, if you may not have heard it yet (or perhaps you have heard it, but don’t really believe) Prayer is a powerful tools. In fact, it is one of the most powerful tools God has given us. It is also meant to be used to help us make things right, because remember, we can only see with the 2 human eyes given unto us, therefore we do not see what lingers in the spiritual world.

In advance, let us give thanks for the many woes we are protected from on a daily basis! Let us give thanks for being blind to things we aren’t meant to see. I too have witnessed some things which I believe were never meant to be seen. Nonetheless, I do my best to forgive, forget, and move forward with my life.

Please take heed, and Make Amends.

Sincerely, Eduardo R.